PCI-X 8 PIN TO SATA Male Y Video Card Power Cable IN 10CM
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PCi-X 8 Pin to 2xSATA Male Power Converter Cable
- PCI EXPRESS POWER CABLE adapter connects a PCIe video card with an 8-Pin PCIe connection to a power supply with two spare SATA power connections
- PSU UPGRADE SAVER power cable provides an option for a power supply without a PCIe connection for GPU power; Dual SATA connectors are designed to connect separate rails to power a PCIe video graphics card from an older PSU
- 8 PIN PCIe to DUAL 15 PIN SATA female to male cable provides a convenient solution for video graphics card power with two SATA connectors for GPU cards that require more power
- STURDY GRAPHICS CARD power cable has male SATA connectors with keyed rails and a female PCI connector with a latch for a secure connection on each end to prevent accidental disconnections
- VIDEO GRAPHICS CARD compatible with graphics cards from popular manufacturers such as ASUS Gigabyte Radeon and Sapphire
- It is a hand made cable. Actual cable may vary from image shown without affecting functionality.