We, Rankacomputers.com, use reputed private courier services for delivery to most Pin-codes. In case a particular pin code is not being served by any major courier service, we will use Speed post service of India Post for shipment. Your product will reach to the given delivery address on most occasions within 7-10 business days for domestic purchases. We do not deliver items outside India. We do not bear responsibility for delays in delivery due to customer unavailability or wrong address information. In order to avoid delays, please submit the correct and complete delivery address along with pin code and landmark. However during festivals and government holidays, delivery within stipulated time may not be possible. During such occasions, we shall make the domestic delivery within 15 business days. If a non-delivery or late delivery occurs due to a mistake by the User (i.e. wrong or incomplete name or address or recipient not available) any extra cost spent by Rankacomputer.com for re-delivery shall be claimed from the User placing the order.