USB 3.1 TYPE C to VGA + HDMI 4K + DP 4K + GigaBit Lan ------ USB Type C ( Thunderbolt 3 ) to Multi port Adapter
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Type C to VGA/HDMI/DP 4K(60Hz) + Ethernet
- For Laptops - MacBook - Chrome Book with USB Type C / Thunderbolt 3 Port
- Multiple output options for connectivity - total 4 ports - 0.15m - 50 gm
- * HDMI x 1 support 4K2K@60Hz * DP x 1 support 4K2K@60Hz * VGA x 1 support 1080P * RJ45 x 1 support 10/100m
- - Support extend / mirror display - Plug-n-Play - USB powered - Compliant DisplayPort 1.2 Alt mode - Support resolution up to 4K2K @ 60Hz max
- Supports one display at a time and Gigabit Lan simultaneously