USB 3.1 TYPE C MALE TO HDMI / VGA / CARD READER / GIGA LAN / STEREO / USB 3.0 x 3 / USB C - USB Type C Multi Port Adapter
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- USB-C to HDMI + VGA + RJ45 + USB3.0X2 + USB-C PD + SD Card Reader + Audio 3.mm
- USB Type-C charging port HDMI Or VAG Port 3 x USB 3.0 Ports SD TF Card and Gigabit Ethernet Adapter and Audio 3.5mm Female
- Specification: Input Computer Connector: USB3.1 Type-C Male Output: HDMI / VGA / Gigabit RJ45 x1 /USB3.0X3 /USB-C PD Audio 3.5mm Female x1 /SDX1
- The adapter is not compatible with devices which do not support the protocol of DP Alt Mode. 2. This adapter is only designed for computer Support DP Alt Mode not for tablets and smartphones
- POWER DELIVERY: Support Charge for PC with Both sides Max support power 20v 3A In accordance with PD2.0 ProtocoL