USB Type C Male to USB C Male Gen2 Cable with Data transfer up to 10 Gbps and Charging with 4K Video and 60W Power Delivery in Black - 1M ( 3.3 Feet )
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- Connect USB Type-C enabled devices (MacBook Chromebook Pixel Galaxy Note 7 etc.) with standard USB Type-C 3.1 or 3.0 enabled devices and accessories (smartphones car/wall charger multi-port adapters etc.)
- Ideal for charging and powering USB Type-C enabled devices as well as syncing data photos and music
- Reversible design - easily insert the connector into any Type-C enabled device (does not matter which side is up)
- Type-C port is half the width and one-third the height of a standard USB-A connector (slightly larger compared to Lightning or Micro-USB ports)
- Up to 10 Gbps and Charging with 4K Video and 60W Power Delivery
- Backwards compatible to USB 3.0 and 2.0