Universal 2nd HDD IDE Caddy for CD/DVD-ROM (12.7MM)
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- Add a second notebook HDD / SSD to any modular bay
- Fits into IDE DVD Drive bay of the laptop with 12.7mm height
- Fits standard 2.5" SATA HDD / SSD
- With the second HDD in your laptop, you have the fastest way to back-up key applications and critical data.
- Plug & Play, supports hot swapping
- No cables / PSU / software driver needed
- The connection is similar to the primary HDD Dual boot
- Supports installation of 2nd operating system on the 2nd HDD and boot selection
- Package Contents : 1pc Hdd Caddy
- 10 Days Carry in warranty (More Info) only on products being sold through www.rankacomputers.com
- Click here for returns, refunds and cancellation policy