SATA POWER ' Y ' CABLE 0.15M - 1x SATA Power Plug to 2x SATA Power Receptacle
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Premium Quality SATA Y Cable.
- SATA Power Y Splitter Cable you can turn one SATA power port into two SATA power ports.
- Uses: desktop computer power supply SATA interface is not enough to buy this one two two one two serial two SATA one interface to two interfaces to change two interfaces used to install more hard drive DVD drive can be used when the extension cord
- SATA Power Y Splitter Cable: SATA Male 15 pin to 2 x 15 pin Female Cable
- SATA 15Pin Male To 2 Female Power Cable DVD-ROM / HDD / SSD Splitter Connector Cable
- Length:SATA 15 Pin Male to Dual Female Power Cable 6 Inches / 15cm